What is NAFO?
The North Atlantic Fella Organization is a global movement of unstoppable digital warriors united in our unyielding commitment to Ukrainian freedom, and our conviction to see the downfall of Putin and the oligarch’s reign of tyranny.
NAFO is everywhere.
We are fundraisers delivering essentials to the frontline, we are artists using humour and creativity as weapons of freedom, we are volunteers pushing back against the tsunami of bots and disinformation, we are soldiers staring down the barrel of Putin’s war machine.
The authoritarians of this world believe you are a commodity. They will do everything in their power to make you into a tool for their interests. They want you to be ignorant to their crimes against humanity, and if they cannot achieve this, they will do whatever it takes to make it so that you do not care. More than this they want the people of democratic nations divided and acting in such a way that is conducive to undermining the very institutions that can hold them accountable to their imperial ambition and their conquest for power.
The information war is real. It is a war for your mind. We are the resistance.
The dawn of the internet saw the emergence of the new mediums of war. Traditional battle over land, sea and air are no longer the only domains by which one power exerts control, influence, conquest or defence against another. Added to this are the realms of cyber, economic and information warfare, as well as measures that involve political subterfuge and election interference in order to obtain more favourable outcomes for one’s side.
Democracy itself is under attack. The authoritarians and their subordinates — those who believe they can have security under the regime and the sheep who corral themselves into the paddock — are only too happy to exploit our democracies to serve the whims of dictators. There are many methods by which they do this. Most are a form of malinfluence…
The object of all Kremlin disinformation is not that you believe one thing or another, the object of all disinformation is control. It is not always necessary to employ disinformation in order to achieve this, disinformation is only one tool in the arsenal of the malinfluencer in order to achieve the objective of subversive influence.
They do not require a solution to the problem, all they require is that you are pissed off about it.